George Washington High School Considers Removing Mural of George Washington Because it ‘Traumatizes Students’

George Washington High School in Northern California is considering removing a mural of the nation’s first president because critics say it “traumatizes students and community members.”

A 13-member working group held four public meetings and in February concluded that the historical paintings do not include “values of social justice, diversity, united, [or] student-centered.”

They recommended having the murals, which include numerous panels that make up the “Life of Washington,” removed because it “glorifies oppression instead of eliminating it” and “has nothing to do with equity or inclusion at all.”

Because inclusion is more important than accuracy when it comes to history.

One mural panel depicts Washington with African-Americans and others engaged in manual labor, while another involves a scene representing “manifest destiny” and a dead Native American.

“The impact of this mural is greater than its intent ever was,” their report states. “It’s not a counter-narrative if [the mural] traumatizes students and community members.”

So, murals with accurate historical depictions are traumatizing? Does that mean history itself is upsetting to students? What about documentaries and historical movies? Will movies about Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson have to be banned?

Pretty soon history will be forgotten. Is that what the American left wants?

Trump Warned Us

President Trump warned almost two years ago that the Confederate statue outrage would eventually culminate with the removal of symbols representing our forefathers.

“George Washington was a slave owner,” Trump conveyed to reporters. “Was George Washington a slave owner? So, will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down statues to George Washington?”

“How about Thomas Jefferson?” the President continued addressing the left’s attempts to whitewash history. “What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him? OK good. Are we going to take down his statue? Because he was a major slave owner. Are we going to take down his statue?”

The Answer Was Yes

It didn’t take long to realize Trump’s words were a prescient warning.

Race hustler Al Sharpton, just days later, called for an end to funding for the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, insisting it is ‘an insult to my family.’

That same month, a Chicago pastor demanded that a statue of Washington be removed from a local park because he allegedly only “fought for the justice and freedom of white America.”

A couple of months after that, a church that Washington had attended in Virginia removed a plaque honoring the first president.

Now, this.

What else would you expect from a generation that believes Barack Obama was more impactful than Washington?

123 thoughts on “George Washington High School Considers Removing Mural of George Washington Because it ‘Traumatizes Students’”

  1. They have lost their minds. The insanity needs to be stopped. Unbelievable how stupid the liberals have become in their quest to destroy this country.

  2. First people to cry loudest, and MOST, when America becomes the next Venezuela, will most certainly be the dim witted people that are (blindly) behind destroying our history.

  3. This insanity needs to stop! The generation (the one before mine) lived through the terror of WWII and the Korean Conflict. Now, THAT was ‘traumatizing’. History involves studying people as they WERE, as indeed our generations will be (hopefully) judged by the current standards of today, and not the unknown value systems of tomorrow. That means learning about what actually happened, and most heroes had/have feet of very mortal clay, and should be seen as fallible human beings, warts, pimples and all.

    As for ‘trauma’, I grew up in the height of the ‘Cold War’, and air raid sirens going off (tests), and Khrushchev pounding his shoe on the table at the UN shouting, “We will bury you!” I can remember the very real fear that I’d not GET to grow up, get married, have a family, and I was 8-12 years old at the time. Now, THAT was traumatizing, an emotional, visceral response to a very REAL existing threat, NOT just learning that leaders from the past reflected the culture THEY’D been raised in, and had faults and flaws like all of us indeed do.
    Me? I am TRAUMATIZED by the reality of NYC allowing the murder of far more babies than there are murders in a given year.
    I am traumatized by citizens thinking it’s a ‘good idea’ to give away control of a country’s borders, and giving control away over who is allowed to vote. (leaders advocating allowing criminals (illegal aliens) to vote)

    Butt-hurt left wingers really need to grow up and get over themselves!

  4. HereWeGoAgain

    Hell, if blacks WERE included in historical images, and those images were historically accurate, blacks would be outraged because they would be displayed as slaves, BECAUSE THEY WERE. They wouldn’t be happy unless they were depicted in a completely erroneous way, as equals of the EVIL WHITE MAN. Of course, they’d also demand that the images of them include white women sucking their dicks. That would complete their ‘historical depiction’, and then they would be happy? Nope. They’ll NEVER be happy.

  5. School administration is so rife with DEMONazis and liberal ideology it turns my stomach. That’s one reason I “retired” 2 yrs. before my 30 years.

  6. BlueCandy171

    The only thing more ridiculous than these poor little snowflakes are the ignorant politicians and school board members that vote for such asinine ideas. Our Country was built upon History, honor and valor, and not liberal bull $hit.

  7. How in the name of all is Holy can a picture that has been there forever traumatize any student???? This is in the mind of the administrator and their stupid liberal thinking!!!

  8. Why is Trump sidling up to and defending mind-control Communists regimes like North Korea and Russia? Why did he insist on speaking with Putin without any US personnel present and confiscated his interpreter’s notes? It’s suspicious at best. USA needs to stand up to Communists.

  9. This truth demands more acceptance of history. The blacks just want to blame the whites for their failure to become wholly accepted into our society. Check out South Africa. The blacks are killing all men, women, and children, and stealing their farms and ranches. The very people that have been feeding them for some 150 years. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. This same thing will definitely happen here if we allow the kind of behavior as mentioned above…..It happened in all of the Caribbean islands and it can happen here. Wake up!!!!

  10. Nelson Lentz

    Keeping our history (the records of things that really happened) has nothing to do with religion (systems of belief based on lies and myths) or prayer (superstition in practice; pretending to talk to someone who isn’t there).
    Neither prayer nor religion needs to be in our schools; our schools should be devoted exclusively to teaching our children how to deal with reality successfully, not encouraging them to deny it.

  11. When truth is unacceptable, then a society has no foundation . If the Blacks are traumatized by the truth, then their character is thin and they are useless members of society. Any excuse to be a victim is trotted out by the Communist Liberals as the “cause de jour ” to avoid work and responsibility and demand a free lunch. They must have an excuse to stay mad at something so they can do NOTHING. I’M SICK OF IT.

  12. Fire the teachers since they made the students to be this stupid. Close the school as these students don’t qualify for an education. Liberalism is for stupid people !

  13. GreenRaindrop666

    Those poor little darlings being traumatized because of the past and a few murals. Give me a break, all of those people are part of our past – Americans and it does not matter what color you are or your ancestors. We HONOR our heroes and George Washington was DEFINITELY one of our HEROES. Do they even teach history in school anymore? Probably not, too traumatic for their feelings – GROW UP, STUDENTS AND SCHOOL STAFF – NEXT YOU WILL WANT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE SCHOOL. I am so disgusted with people today and I blame the parents for not standing up to the school and Board of Education. BUT THE SCHOOLS WILL TEACH AND MAKE THE STUDENTS PRACTICE ISLAM AND/OR HOMO/TRANSGENDER CRAP. I am so glad that my children are grown.

  14. If these Douch Nozzle liberal snowflakes hate this country and it’s history so much, I say that their US citizenship be revoked, and that they be given a one-way ticket to Venezuela. We don’t need these pieces of crap stinking up our wonderful nation.

  15. They are Californians! What else, besides DUMB ACTIONS, would you expect? Trump, build a modified wall along the EAST side of California, with only one entry points into the U.S. – where IQ tests are administered and more than room temperature IQs are allowed to cross the border!

  16. I smell Soros and his foundations. With all his money he is waging war against our traditions, beliefs, Constitution, Rights. He and his friends are behind a lot of this, and Killery blows his horn.

  17. Free black US citizens returned to Liberia, Africa…and immediately proceeded to enslave all the blacks who already lived there. Not too long ago, descendants of those indigenous slaves, waged a war against the ex USA black slave owners. All of them are using their once beautiful WHITE beaches for public toilets. You can’t take one step without getting human feces on your feet. I’ve seen pictures of it. Totally disgusting !

  18. They can all go to Liberia, the evil white man set that country up for all the free black people to go back to Africa, if they felt homesick. So let’s deport those who don’t like it here. They can return to Africa and live there. We don’t need their shenanigans here, that’s for sure. That country has been open to them since about 1820, when it was established by the EVIL WHITE MEN.

  19. Dear Round Robin…The c Cherokee, who went on the trail of tears, were aligned with the British in the War of 1812. They were enemy combatants who were exiled after losing the war. Get it ? They could have been made into slaves, or executed. That’s the way it was back then. If you lost the war, you could lose everything, including your possessions, your freedom, or your life. They were allowed to live and given a new home, with government assistance.

  20. The Irish were slaves in America before the blacks were. In those days, if you lost a war, you became a slave. Oliver Cromwell warred against the Irish, and many Irish slaves were brought to America by his followers. These black people ought to get over this BS, because they are not that innocent. Freed black slaves went to Liberia, a country the US set up for them to return to Africa if they wanted to, and the first they did was to make slaves out of the blacks who were indigenous to that area. So, the blacks from the US had black slaves in Liberia. And furthermore, it was not whites who ran the slave trade. It was Sephardic Jews who owned all the slave ships and made fortunes in each run. It’s time for the truth to be told. And let’s not forget that it was warring black tribes in Africa who sold their captured black prisoners down on the beach, to the Sephardic Jews. And you can google up the song “I’m not white, I’m Jewish”. So shove your myths where the sun don’t shine.

  21. To all the liberals that want to remove important symbols of 
    American history because they don’t conform to socialist
    values. This is a list of bills that have images that must be
    disturbing to you.
    George Washington was a slave owner. $i Bill
    Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner. $2 Bill
    Benjamin Franklin. was slave owner $100 Bill
    Andrew Jackson was a slave owner.  $20 Bill
    Ulysses S Grant owned a slave.  $50 Bill
    Abraham Lincoln’s wife’s family owned slaves.
    Abraham Lincoln suggested that slave should voluntary migrate to colonies
    outside the United States to South America,Africa or the Caribbean. $5 Bill
    Before you start destroying public symbols start in your own house and
    burn every one of these you have. If you don’t you are nothing but a
    bigot. Like the old saying, put your money where your mouth is.

  22. Who is deciding that this is traumatizing students? This is traumatizing students, yet letting boys, claiming to be girls, use girls restroom is perfectly ok? Our world is really becoming unraveled!

  23. Aah, beautiful California….the Communist Capital of the West! I am convinced Democrats are an insane demographic of the U.S. and they are driven by vile, angry hatred for anything conservative, Christian, or democratic. Democrats constantly seek to eliminate our system of voting by removing the Electoral College from the voting equation. They seek to disarm law-abiding U.S. citizens by removing our Second Amendment. They seek to overthrow our government by registering illegal aliens to vote for their party: promising them free food, shelter, clothing, and medical care if they vote for the Democrat candidate. The time for Conservative Americans to fight back is now and we must begin by swamping our members of Congress with mail, email, and telephone calls denouncing everything Pelosi, Waters, Omar, Talib, Ocasio-Cortez, Schumer, et al seek to accomplish!

  24. I’m not American but even I find this rush to delete your history is more shameful than the aspects of that history that some snowflakes say are so shameful and traumatising. So the people who walk past these murals on a daily basis, mostly without even noting their existence, are so traumatised by the scenes on these murals that they have to rush home to their games consoles and blast zombies to blood dripping gory pieces or steal cars and go on drive by rampages through the city. Committees like this one should be disbanded for the waste of space that they are.

  25. RedBucket366

    Blacks don’t have to worry much about manual labor today and it is almost impossible to get them to work in any shape or form. I want my own statue in honor of the slave years I was forced to pay taxes support blacks as they popped out fatherless baby after baby.

  26. When truth is unacceptable, then a society has no foundation . If the Blacks are traumatized by the truth, then their character is thin and they are useless members of society. Any excuse to be a victim is trotted out by the Communist Liberals as the “cause de jour ” to avoid work and responsibility and demand a free lunch. They must have an excuse to stay mad at something so they can do NOTHING. I’M SICK OF IT.

  27. Al Sharpton and all others who are promoting racism are a disgrace to humanity itself. They should be tarred and feathered and exiled from our country. Racism was a nearly eradicated thing until Obama was elected president. Through his rhetoric and actions, he set race relations back 100 years.

  28. China was not a Christian country. It was mainly Taoist, Buddhists, Confucians, and other eastern religions/thoughts. There were Christians but not the primary religion. Please study history.

  29. If seeing a mural is all that it takes to traumatize community members, our educational systems have failed miserably. Future classes—– Let’s have a show of hands of all who are traumatized by a mural of Washington. O.K. You liberals leave the room while the rest of us learn about history.

  30. if you look hard enough, everyone was a slave owner -or- they did nothing to stop slavery making them equally complicit – everyone, everywhere – as foolish as ‘six degrees to Kevin Bacon’

  31. The issue is with the Board of Education, not the school. School staff did not start this issue. Teachers do use the murals as a teaching tool.

  32. Stop and think a minute about removing Hitler from history. He’s been used as an example of what’s wrong in the world. If we forget all our history then we also forget the lessons learned the hard way. These people trying to rid our country of it’s rich history are the ones who need to be silenced.

  33. HereWeGoAgain

    They don’t talk about him because they’ve already, in their minds, expunged him from existence, just like they try to do with any ‘inconvenient’ FACTS.

  34. G W High School administrators should be required to send all students suffering from emotional trauma to a place where they can receive the treatment they need to live in our society.

  35. The nut-cakes are trying to take over the country in the name of inclusiveness which has become their god. The rest of us are to pay homage to their god by bowing to their whims.

  36. Make no mistake all this feigned emotional trauma crap, inclusive/diversity snares are being used as weapons to eradicate America’s foundations, to snuff out all remembrance of our history with lying re-writes but the big prize is the destruction of Christianity and our God whom democrats despise with the same fiery and hatred of Satan himself.

  37. Suck it up buttercups!!! Nowhere in the constitution or bill of rights are you guaranteed the right to not be offended. Grow up!!!!!! It’s way past time that we stop letting tail wag the dog.

  38. Hey if you don’t like our history I suggest you move some place else and see how they like you trying to remove their roots. You can start by removing your birth certificate and drivers license and passport. Then take your clothes off and tell your parents you don’t want to be a part of their history either. Then cross the border going south and see how long you make it there. Do anything you like except try to return to my country, because I fought this country and its heritage, so get the hell out or STFUP and start working for the continued safety and greatness of this, my country the USA!!

  39. They are full of S*%T. God what the hell is wrong with these people. Look at what is happening in our country over the past few years, they’re trying to take away our history. Maybe if they got their heads out of their butts they might see the reality of what they are trying to destroy. This liberal thinking will be the down fall of AMERICA, but do they care HELL NO THEY DON’T GIVE A S*%T ABOUT AMERICA.

  40. “Race hustler Al Sharpton, just days later, called for an end to funding for the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, insisting it is ‘an insult to my family.’”

    Dear Al: A huge number of Irish fought in the Civil War to free your people and a huge number of them died, trying to free your family. We also were kept as slaves and no, not all of them were indentured as you might have read. We helped to free your people, yet you have never said one word about it, made a statue for us or done anything to acknowledge my ancestors contribution to your family’s freedom. We have never asked for reparations ever. Yet here you are dissing all white people. Youhave a helluva nerve asking for reparations, especially with all the millions you have – and we wonder how you got that much, a congressman doesn’t make that much $. Go pound sand, a–hole, we don’t need your constant focus on racism, we have a country to run, a country that has sadly been neglected for far too long. Al Sharpton, tell us how you got all the millions you have,

  41. WHY AREN’T THEY TEACHING “THIS”?: “By freeing his slaves, George Washington tried to set an example for others to follow. He was the only slaveholder among the founding fathers to free all his slaves.”
    These whiners would probly belong to Englnad without George Washington – & they would be paying tribute to the QUEEN! They don’t deserve to be called Americans! George Washington was a man appointed by GOD to make this a nation – a CHRISTIAN nation! And these wimpy students (& no doubt their teachers!) are slapping God & Washington in the face! George suffered terribly to make us a nation! ? Schools are NOT teaching important history! ☹️?


  43. Poor little kids. Why don’t the teachers teach the history of this country instead of brain washing the kids or maybe they don’t want the kids to know how great this County is compared to others.

  44. If you follow history of any sort, you will see a great deal of similarity between the early 1900’s Russia when they changed their history because it was not liked by the young people (new liberals) and today in the USA where statues are being taken down and history is being changed because the liberals don’t like the history of it. That led into Communism in Russian in 1917. Does this sound familiar? Conservatives, DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN. IT’S TIME TO FIGHT BACK.

  45. They willfully ignore this truth and naturally ignore the fact that the most brutal slave owner was black, the only slaver who forced slaves to have sex so that he could sell the babies. He was a sick individual. William Ellison Jr.  He was one of many black slave owners, notice people don’t talk about this nor do they talk about the fact that most slaves were sold to slavers by blacks who held blacks as slaves.

  46. We need to demand the renaming of all the buildings and roads with Robert Byrd’s name on them.  That man was an organizer and leader for the Klu Klux Klan and has no business being honored in this new United States of America.

  47. Really, Just how does a Mural of George Washington “traumatizes students and community members.”??? Just made up remarks from Liberals to change our past. It’s been there since 1936 , 83 years and now it bothers Liberals! I guess they want a Mural of OBAMA to replace it, when the Gay Marriage was approved thus sealing the Obama’s Marriage as Legal!

  48. Boo Hoo ! They are” traumatized” by the murals. Meanwhile, they are watching every diabolical movie that comes out; every twisted TV program; running with street gangs; selling and using drugs; having abortions; listening to race-baiting and female-hating satanical music;but it is all President Washington’s fault ! Talk to the hand !

  49. If the 13 Panel members would teach our kids real history then they would know that if it were not for General Washington leading the Continental Army to a victory over the tyranny of King George, there would be no United States of America today.  General Washington freed many slaves after one year of service to his Army by a general order.  Upon his death many of his slaves were freed.  His best spy was one of his slaves.  Mr. Armistead was freed after the war.  Slavery was an institution in the 18th and 19th Centuries.  Sharpton and the rest of his crony knuckleheads need to read history as well.  Tribal leaders sold their own people into slavery.  He was not a slave, therefore, none of the Sharptonites should get reparations.  Maybe, they all need to move to N. Korea, China, Cuba, Russia, or Venezuela and demand reparations.  The fore mentioned countries would put a bullet in the back of there heads for nonsense like this.

  50. I echo the comments that America needs to wake up, and California needs to wake up. You cannot erase history, remove individual accountability, remove the lessons from history simply because you don’t know how to explain properly the role of a mural to a few loud complainers… and yet be able to teach the next generation of free thinkers and producers. We are at risk of socialist policy makers taking us down the path of making us all slaves to the government, if we can’t stand up for what America was and how we have evolved.

  51. Maybe they should all move to Venezuela where there is no food. Or perhaps to China where the government is your father. Or The Soviet Union, where Russia is your mother. Maybe instead of wanting the impossible they should scrutinize what they already have and be grateful for it.

  52. Everyday I wonder, what more can the ignorant socialist liberal democrats do to hurt our country? And yes everyday, there is some new form of BS that they promote. God help us all.

  53. HereWeGoAgain

    It’s time to depoliticize our public schools so the little automatons won’t be indoctrinated into the left en masse. That’s why two generations of American kids are out-of-their-minds: they were TAUGHT to be insane and irrational!

  54. They need to turn their sights to current day slavers, such as in Africa and other middle east nations. We can’t change what happened yesterday but we can change what is currently happening. Of course these weak , self centered , victim hood “Americans” aren’t interested in truth nor making change where it might actually have an impact.

  55. What is wrong with the left? Or maybe it should be “what is right with the Left”? They have all gone batsht crazy, and it’s been headed this way for decades, not just today, although it’s becoming more and more obvious that they’re all whacko. History has been taught for a reason, to let us know where we came from, why we’re where we are at today, and hopefully, not to make the same mistakes. They want to wipe it out? What is wrong with them, and I mean all of them????

    “At age 11, George Washington inherited 10 slaves from his father. In those days in Virginia, the institution of slavery was considered “a given”……………

    “Washington made provisions in his will to free all of his own slaves but could not free those (or the descendants of those) whom Martha had brought to the marriage. By Virginia law, her grandchildren would inherit her “dower slaves.” Because the two groups had intermarried, emancipation of Washington’s slaves proved bittersweet.

    “By freeing his slaves, George Washington tried to set an example for others to follow. He was the only slaveholder among the founding fathers to free all his slaves.”

  57. communism and religion have been doing this for ever ,the globalist NWO is definitely doing this ,this is why schools are not teaching this but are socialism ,socialism is a nice soft word many believe its butter flies and flowers ,theres all kinds of moves portraying socialism like that but communism is still seen as all bad mostly because Russia ,they say because of schools and the liberals pushing the NWO that by 2050 every few people will know what the meaning of freedom is ,most will fear the word never knowing the truth

  58. If the African Tribes had not gone to War with each other; the losing Tribe would not have had to become the Slaves of the winning Tribe.

  59. RedCactus258

    The irony is, Blacks have diminished in population. They were 15% a few decades ago. But because of abortion, they are now around 12.5%. The NY Dept of Health reported that more Black babies were aborted than born in NY City. At the rate they’re going, Blacks will either abort or kill themselves out of existence.

  60. VoiceofReasoned

    Be a lt more traumatic if Lenin & Stalin had gotten their way but the Snowflakes think they would be the survivors & Commie programmers without seeing the mass of humanity that Communism killed or reprogrammed in stalags, salt mines & gulags.

  61. Anyone who believes that rhetoric has to be a communist. They sure aren’t patriots. How are the students traumatized? Are they offended by the TRUTH? A people without history are doomed to oblivion!

  62. Susan Lindauer

    Where are the adults at that high school? I’m “traumatized” by these students! They’re acting like the Khmer Rouge or the Chinese Cultural Revolution that grand Communist ideal of erasing history to Year Zero. I’m terrified as to what kind of adults they will turn out to be.

    Education is supposed to awaken young minds to THINK & to become aware of history in all things. Millennials love science, apparently. Well guess what?? Science has evolved in itself. What scientists believed 100 years ago is no longer in vogue. We grow. We learn. Imagine if science never taught Gallileo or Isaac Newton– imperfect as they are. Apply that to every other discipline.

  63. This is precisely why parents must stay involve in what’s going on at their kids’ school. Read the text books. Home schooling is not practical for many but you can certainly supplement what they learn at school by discussing such topics with you kids. When my son was in middle school we began discussing politics/patriotism etc. when we drove our errands. We had some great discussions and now that he’s an adult, he still calls to talk things over. You can’t be an absentee parent. There are some good youth books out there about our Revolutionary history…sit down and read them together (even if you must bribe them at first) and discuss it.

  64. And POTUS Trump was right. Give them an inch and America will be destroyed and remade in the image of Sudan, Somalia, Pakistan, Venezuela, Cuba. And those images are truly inspiring !

  65. Washington freed all but the dower slaves upon his death. He could not by law. They were products of their time – we have moved on and it’s time all these screaming for reparations get real. They were not slaves, none of us owned slaves. As for stopping this nonsense, push back. Why does Al Sharpton get to be the one who decides what stays and what goes? He’s poking the tiger.

  66. The only reason race baiter Sharpton is free to preach his hate and divisiveness is because of these men. Otherwise he might be scratching out a meager living in Africa. You and your life’s work are offensive and embarrassing. Does that mean we can remove you?

  67. The same thing happened in all the countries that are now Communists. China, before communism took control, was a Christian nation. The Churches at that time stood idlily by and said or did nothing. They were content in playing church, being religious, instead of being the Church of Jesus. The same thing has been going on here in the U.S. for decades since the Johnson act bill was passed in 1958. Five years after the passing of that bill Prayer was removed from the schools and the Church said or did nothing because they were afraid of loosing their tax exemption if they did, money seemed more important than preaching what was going on around them. Now President Trump has done away with the Johnson act bill and we will see if the Church will wake up and speak the truth or stay silent. Should they stay silent they will have to endure what other Christians faced and are facing today in Communist countries around the world.

  68. This is what happened when the Communist Party took over education in America 60 years ago. We now educate people who are so easily offended. Destruction of our history prior to the 50’s is the goal of the Democrats. Earl Browder, the Communist party presidential candidate in 1936 and 1940, is quoted as saying ” I no longer need to run because the Democrat party has accepted our agenda”.

  69. CyanBottle723

    The slaves came with Washington’s wife–SHE was the one who owned slaves, and brought them with her when they married. NONE of the Founding Fathers really “advocated” slavery. It was simply the norm of their time. But to hear the Leftist revisionists tell it, all our Founding Fathers were nothing but evil old white men who grew rich on the labors of black slaves. See, the REAL target here is the Constitution and form of government those men created. They are discrediting THEM to get at their REAL target. After all, if they are going to herd us into the NWO global government the UN is trying to become, they have to get rid of that PESKY Constitution and democratic form of government!

  70. Orwell’s 1984 has come and gone. Now we are left with the refinements of their “social injustice” and “righteous indignation” on how the white man was and is bad. Too ignorant to understand that it was also the white man who made this country happen from it’s beginning to now. Sharpton and his ilk didn’t end slavery…the white man did.

    With all of this bickering and hate, you have lost sight on the perils of the world and the Revelation of mankind. “And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.” “And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

    The White Horse is upon us, and his name is Islam.

  71. CyanBottle723

    They want to erase history so they can replace it with their own revisionist, America-hating version. They are graduating MILLIONS of kids from the public school sheep factories who have been taught to HATE their own country through rewriting of its history. Nobody will have to steal the liberties of these kids. They do not value what the Founding Fathers created when they founded this country, and will VOTE their liberties away–and ours with them–giving the Leftist LOONS power and control over ALL OF US, because THAT is what they have been brainwashed to do.

  72. as long as we elect democrats its never gonna stop. Its funny how hispanics claim we stole their land but ignore the genocide they committed in south america and mexico by killing the entire aztec race.. but they are minorities so its ok

    Blacks fail to mention it was blacks selling black into slavery and slavery existed in Africa (and still does) long after it ended in America

  73. These individuals who wish to re-write history they want it perceived the way they wish, need to be held accountable. They have the right to free speech, the right to free assembly, etc. all because of our forefathers. But they do not have the right to free speech only if they agree with it! Only if it fits in their narrative, and enables them to brainwash the next generation.

  74. More feigning Socialist Marxist Communist outrage aka Indoctrination! It’s time to initiate acts and legislation to protect our country’s history and Constitution from Indoctrination propaganda!

  75. GoldSword736

    Almost all of these TOADY LIBERALS BELONG IN AN ASYLUM, but seems they are all closed now. SOROS LIBERALS are the most DISGUSTING humans on the earth. How did most of these people ever get out of Elementary School.

  76. Again – WHERE ARE THE PARENTS?! And the grandparents and the aunts and uncles, neighbors and COMMUNITY! Seems to me very few do anything at all. Or gripe anonymously and tell others to do the fighting and the standing up. When these things are happening in YOUR neck of the woods GO in person and make your voice heard. Others will follow. When no in your area then call, email, send letters – whatever you can do to reject what they are doing to our children and country.

  77. ProudAmerican

    This will never stop until the masses fight back and tell these people NO! We are not going to remove our symbols of the past. If nothing else, they are reminders of a history that cannot be repeated.

  78. I am really upset with the people that want to ERASE our History in this Country ! Sure, some of it was bad, but it WAS our History. You LEARN from History how to do things BETTER, then you did before. George Washington was our FIRST President, and though he was a Slave owner, he deserves to STAY in our History. By the way, in case some people are not aware of it, many BLACK people owned Slaves as well !

  79. Ummm, so by inference, their students I get it may be getting traumatized by a dollar bill. Does that mean they will be too traumatised to earn their way, so their parents will support them until well into their adulthood? Just speculating.

  80. We need to fight to save “our history”. Every country has a history be it bad or good! We need to stop pandering to those that would erase it! We all know about the slavery in our country and we all know it took great people willing to stand and change it; why would we want to change that history? Or any other?

  81. If they want to remove murals of George Washington they need to change the name of the school. They don’t deserve the great honor of being named after him.

  82. We all know from history that the world had and has its ills. It is our task to improve the lives of all, helping not only ourselves but everyone we can. To begin to “deny or erase” our past lives? Then we must remove and then rewrite our history books, recycle the teachers and professors, informing them that we don’t want to hear and read about the ills of our past. Ridiculous? Yes, and so are the attempts by some to distort the ills of the past by removing its symbols. Statues and paintings are a reminder of our past, its good and its evil. It is we in the 21st century who must daily improve our minds, with their biases and downright ills. Life has changed in our country! Let us continue to bring justice to all in America and to further the best of the past and present, even as we contemplate the ills of our forefathers. Their time, with its mindset and values, has come and is gone. It is for us to make sure that our lives today are filled with a sense of morality and compassion for all, even spilling over to those around the world who have not yet reached our level….

    Dr. Robert N. Schwartz

  83. This must be stopped!! They fight to eliminate history, we must fight to keep it, and to restore it. We must return prayer in schools! Just think of the howls from the commies with that move!

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